Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Force vmware Fusion guest to shutdown or restart

problem: VMware Fusion guest is locked up and won't shutdown

You want to force a shutdown/power off OR force a restart/reset

solution: use the alt/option key

Open the Virtual Machine menu and press the key and you will see the menu options change to their alternatives. Choose one of the options, e.g. Power Off
I believe this works from version 2 onwards.


Props to: Team Fusion @ VMware Community Blogs

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Parsing NCSA combined log format - working with columns

problem: You want to work with columns of an NCSA combined log file

You might have some apache or squid NSCA combined based logs. For example you might want to get the UserAgent column so you can sort and find unique values

solution: Perl Regular Expressions to the rescue!


Props to:
The PHP Cookbook

Monday, December 6, 2010

iTunes is out of sync with ID3 tags

problem: iTunes is out of sync with ID3 tags

  • You've used a tool to manage your MP3 ID3 tags and iTunes is out of sync with the changes
  • You would like to refresh ID3 tags on selected tracks in iTunes or your entire iTunes Library

    impact: grrrrrr

    This is rather frustrating, all that hard work to manage your tags and iTunes gives you the middle finger and your ID3 tags are out of date...


    This should work for _ALL_ iTunes versions up to the time of writing, which is 10.1.
    In theory it should also work on all platforms too.
    1. First off, close iTunes if open, make sure its dead
    2. Make sure the tracks you want to work with are not read only
      You can protect iTunes from modifying your tracks by settings files to read only
    3. Open iTunes
    4. Select the tracks that you want to refresh
      You can select _ALL_ but be warned the more you select, the longer the process will take. I strongly suggest being selective, at least until you've mastered the technique
    5. With the tracks selected press CTRL+I
      You can also right click or activate the context menu and click "Get Info"
    6. Make sure NO checkboxes are checked
    7. Select the sorting tab
    8. Enter anything you like into a blank sorting field
      This will check the checkbox for the specific field
    9. Double check only the sorting checkbox is selected
    10. Click OK
    11. iTunes will show a progress bar as it applies changes
    12. You should see the tracks now have the latest ID3 tags
    13. Repeat to remove the sort tag when your happy
    Note a positive side effect of this operation... any missing files that were selected will now have the exclamation mark next to it, might be helpful to some :)


      I've combined methods from these pages
      Props to Kishore @ Chinto's blog
      and Yoricko @ Harmonic Mixing Community